Friday, January 18, 2013


by Fernando Quispe
Most teens in our generation are afraid to go after their dreams because it might sound dumb or someone might just tell them they’re never going to make it. In life you can’t think negative all the time. I mean it’s good to look at both sides when making important decisions, but it’s better to think POSITIVE as much as possible. I myself have a couple of dreams, and for me failure is not an option. Why? I don’t know. I just have a motivation that will never leave me. You all should be like that! Don’t let anything or anyone bring you or your dreams down. Your thought is the one that counts!
            Twelve-year-old Steven Fernandez, born on February 20th, 2000 in Los Angeles, California, is currently living in Compton. He never gave up on his skate dream. Steven Fernandez is of Mexican descent, and he says that growing up he saw his parents struggle just to pay for shelter and food to feed the family. His dad just got diagnosed with eye cancer and his mother is unemployed.
Steven Fernandez never stopped chasing his dream.
            In one of his videos he stated “When you’re poor for most of your life, it doesn’t really feel like you’re poor, ‘cause you’re already use to it.” That didn’t stop him from chasing after his dream. He started skating when he was about nine, after his brother got him into it.
His first skating video, which he made with his friends, got him sponsored by Primitive Skate Shop and he was truly blessed for that. He says that a lot of kids deserve it as much as he does. Steven didn’t expect much from skating, all he expected was fun out of it. After being sponsored by Primitive then came DGK (Dirty Ghetto Kids), Gold Wheels, Diamond Supply Company, and Grizzly.
Now if Steven Fernandez could have achieved being sponsored by major skate companies, why do you think you can’t have your dream? It’s all about staying focused and keeping your eye on the grand prize. Check the enclosed link to one of Steven’s videos in which he explains his life and how he got sponsored. 

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