Wednesday, January 30, 2013


What makes a great teacher?

Education Policy Correspondent
Christopher Rodriguez
To me, there are many qualities that make a great teacher. It’s not always about what the teacher covers in class. It’s more about their ability to deal with children and teens.
         Today teachers need to be able to have patience with students. You have to be able to sit one on one with the students and give them hands on learning. There are some great teachers in this school who have that ability. Others don't. They are quick to lose patience with students if they don’t understand things, and refuse to accept the fact that some students take a longer time to understand things that they are learning.
         Another quality a teacher should have the ability is to listen. I think teachers should be able to hear students out on their opinion of the subject, that way if the student has any further questions, you can give a clear answer to the student without further confusing them.

  Editor's Note: This is one in a series about the qualities of great teachers. Do you have an outstanding teacher who knows just how to help kids learn? Leave a comment below.


  1. I had a great teacher in high school (a million years ago!). She was the vice principal of our high school and she constantly pushed me and pushed me. It was so annoying at the time. I would get called into her office on, what felt like, a daily basis. She knew every aspect of my life and really took the time to get to know me & my family. Although I totally did not appreciate it in high school, I realized how lucky I was to have her. I wrote her a thank you letter after I graduated from college, because her constant pushing and care gave me the confidence to further my education.
    -Mrs. Rios

  2. Looking forward to the next in this series. Excellent perspective, and well written.


  3. Yesssssssss ! if alkl teachers were like this , i would love school . teachers yell too much and try to blame us for everything this article makes me realize what teachers should have patience most of all !we need to show the teachers this , they need to read this and get this in ! maybe we wouldnt have so many kids cut !
