Thursday, January 31, 2013


"I have a dream," says SET sophomore Rhianna McCollum, "and it doesn't include having all my constitutional rights taken away when I'm in school."

SET Sophomore Rhianna McCollum -
Is she standing up for your rights?
Or is she a rebel without a cause?
Post your comments below.

Students aren’t allowed to use the school bathrooms without some form of ID. Students aren’t allowed to question authority… What happened to our first amendment rights? Our freedom of speech is limited once we enter this environment. The students' choices are constrained by what the administrators want. The students are not allowed to eat food in class even if we are working effectively. Well, what are we allowed to do?

The students of JFK are not treated in a mature manner. Our peers don’t have any form of input. Our freedom and rights are being taken. I say it’s time for us to use our constitutional rights to our advantage, and stop letting administrators go overboard with their authority. In the words of Martin Luther King, “We refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation.” Nevertheless, we students are still robbed of our rights because we can only do what we are allowed. By cooperating, we students are enabling the choices the administrators make.

How about we stand up and speak our mind? The students have a lot of anger inside, how about we express it? We no longer want to be sycophants. It feels like 1963 all over again when Martin Luther King was demanding justice. When he had a dream, this isn’t what he was expecting. I say it’s time to speak up. Our words will give us power! We can make history. Students have say so. Its time to speak up if we want to make a difference!

Editor's note: The sentiments expressed in this blog post are solely those of its author, and do not represent any revolutionary philosophy being taught in class. Rhianna is expressing her first amendment rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Do you agree or disagree? Teachers? Administrators? Students? Family members? 


  1. I reposted this to our class blog. You present your point of view convincingly -- have any of your peers heard your call?

  2. I honestly hope so and thank you for your feed back i honestly appreciate it

  3. finally someone is speaking out for us students!!

    1. But what should be done? Anything? Nothing? And HOW should it be done?

  4. I totally agree with you 100 percent, I feel like we need someone to speak out for us the students at JFK. Because like you said What happened to our first amendment rights?
    (I ask myself the same thing)

  5. I agree with this. We should have our rights, it was never like this last year therefore their making it harder on themselves because we are only going to go against what they say until they give us our rights back.

  6. I completely agree. If our first amendment is freedom of speech, why not use it? especially when we need to! These administrators are going overboad and we need to do something about it.

  7. i agree with this post. yes it is very ridculous that not even the bathroom can we use sometimes. for the past week and a half i didnt wear my uniform and now today they are pulling students out of class over a pair of pants and a shirt. i honestly find this school a waist now i believe they are trying wayyy to hard to accomplish nothing at the end because no matter what the students are doing whatever they please. As wrong as that sounded it is the truth. there is no hell in way that us students are going to take the uniform situation serious if one day they are complaining and then the next 10days is whatever to them. Kennedy is still the same to me there is no difference and it will continue to be the same.

  8. Students aren’t allowed to use the school bathrooms without some form of ID. Students aren’t allowed to question authority… What happened to our first amendment rights? Our freedom of speech is limited once we enter this environment. The students' choices are constrained by what the administrators want. The students are not allowed to eat food in class even if we are working effectively. Well, what are we allowed to do?
    Ms Mc Collum brought up a great question.

  9. My Students,
    See Mr. Goffman's comment above. After you read the blog post, figure out your position and then try to answer his questions.

  10. I don't agree. Kids in Kennedy will only take advantage. And if they didn't cause issues we shouldn't have to fight for rights.

  11. Our rights shouldn't be messed around with. ((Says the quiet one.))

  12. i agree with you. if we don't wear our unifroms we get iss ? what if some people can't afford it. L.c

  13. Honestly i think this is brave .Students are untitled to do alot of things.They do try there best to control our rights but students are going to do as they please nobody really follow the rules. If you tell a youn lady / man to do one thing over and over dont you ever think they are gong to do what they want ? i think this was brave and true . i agree with you 100 %

  14. I agree. Forcing us to do things without our say will only make us students rebel against authority. We arent allowed to ask why ? because we automatically get punished for it . As the student body we should come together and change the ways of our school. We arent treated equally and most of our rights are taken away . (K.J)
