Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Crurel Penn,
Lifestyle correspondent

 This is the first post in a continuing series about animals, and the JFK people they love. Some are cute and cuddly, some are big and some are small – and the pets are nice too. The relationships between people and their pets are powerful and important, and they tell us a lot about those people. The statements and special memories that JFK people share about their animals deserve recognition.
Mr. and Mrs. Rios

Snowy, the Rios' kitten who doesn't like scary TV shows.
The Rios' first cat, five-year-old Bentley.
Mr. and Mrs. Rios have two cats, Bentley and Snowy. They've had Bentley for five years, and he used to fight a lot. Then they got Snowy, who has been in their lives for three months. Snowy sits at the kitchen table like a human and watches TV but turns her face when something scary pops up. 

Editor's note: Do you have a pet you would like to show the world? Let lifestyle correspondent Crurel Penn know by leaving a comment here, or email Mr. Goffman at goffmanteacher@gmail.com 

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