Monday, October 22, 2012


Does working long hours after school have a negative effect on grades? Do the benefits outweigh the harm?

Senior Student Life Correspondent
Chris Rodriguez
Most of my classmates think I am lucky because I get out of school at 1 PM, but what they don’t know is that some days after school I have to go to work. There are many controversial issues dealing with working and being a high school student at the same time. Some people may think that working during school can be very beneficial. They think it teaches maturity, responsibility, & independence. Some parents oppose that idea though.

I work 20-30 hours every week, and more as we get closer to the holiday season. My fellow workers and I look forward with trepidation to the longer hours, and the big rush that starts on “Black Friday.”
The author, a BTMF senior, works 20, 30,
and more hours per week at this
retail giant. Somehow, at the same time,
he manages to maintain excellent grades.

Parents may think it’s too challenging to juggle schooling and working during high school. They feel that if their child starts working during school, they are going to lose their focus on school and continue to worry about money. Worried that their children wont excel in school, some parents don’t allow their teens to work during the school year. “I enjoy working part time after school, it gives me something to do so that I won’t just stay home & watch television all day,” says BTMF Senior Fernando Quispe.

Personally, when I first started working, it was extremely hard and took me a while to adjust to it. I would constantly be very tired, only because I tried everything  I could not to slack in school. I would stay up late most nights to finish homework or class work I needed to complete for the next day of school. This year, I do a co-op program, which gives me credits so that I can leave early from school and go straight to work. I come home early enough every night so I can do homework and rest to be energized the next day. This program is wonderful for working students through your senior year and it also help students without a job get a job and prepare for a future.

Editor's note: Do YOU work after school? Do you work because you have to, or because you want to? Have your grades suffered? Share your working student story on You can leave a comment here, or if you would like to write your own post, email it to

Friday, October 19, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

SCHOOL UNIFORMS: Not such a bad thing after all

Rhianna McCollum,
Senior School Life Correspondent
           I am a student currently attending J.F.K. In this school you find that some people aren’t as fortunate as others. Some people come from wealthier than others, and other people can’t afford the same styles. Sometimes when I come to school I look and appreciate what I have. A lot of kids dream about being fortunate.

During school meetings many students complain about the uniform policy, but I believe it’s beneficial for everyone. During a school meeting, Mr. Field, our principal, explained the benefits of uniforms to the school. He stated, “During my high school years I wished I had a uniform because my mother couldn’t afford to keep me in competition with others.” That was a perfect example of why school uniform are a great idea.

Although fortunate students will love to wear the latest fashions it’s not the most ideal situation for others. Students’ intelligence and attitudes determine their personality. Yes, students might look the same, but everyone has their own qualities. Uniforms aren’t as bad as students make it seem. They exude a level of professionalism.

Every school at JFK has a distinctive uniform.


Senior Food Editor CHEF MILI,
 aka Ismothara Mili


Welcome to


TODAY’S RECIPE: Chicken wings

  • ·      Chicken wings
  • ·      1/2 cup flour
  • ·      1 tablespoon  baking powder
  • ·      Olive oil
  • ·      Salt

1.     Mix baking powder and flour in a small bowl and set aside.
2.     Add all wings into a large bowl and mix them in the flour mixture.
3.     Put in the fridge for about 2 hours to dry out.
4.     Put some olive oil on the wings and then bake for 35-40 minutes until golden.
5.     Remove from the oven and flip the wings over, put a little olive on the second side, and continue baking until the second side is as crispy as the first side.
Editor's Note: If there is a recipe that you would like to share with Chef Mili, either email it to Mr. Goffman - or post it as a comment below.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mobile Tech Changes Everything

Anthony Batista, Tech Expert
Mobile Technology has evolved tremendously over the years. Now innovations are being made every few weeks. The biggest leap is in cellphones and tablets. New phones are announced and released every few weeks. The iPhone 5 just recently released and it’s the newest Apple product out with a cool new design. The Samsung Galaxy S3, which is one of the latest popular android smartphones beside the HTC One X has revved up the competition in the smartphone marketplace.

 Cell phones used to be for just talking, and now people do all sorts of things with them. Nowadays when you see someone with a cellphone, it’s most likely a smartphone. Although Apple is the richest company in the world, Google’s Android operating system is in the lead of popularity.

Cell phone companies have also evolved. There used to be just one cell phone company in the U.S., but now there are over 10 including Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and MetroPCS. Now the catch with cell phone companies such as the first four I mentioned is the fact that they require a two-year contract to be with them. MetroPCS is the exception, requiring no contract. With the evolution of 4G LTE, the standard and latest in mobile technology nowadays, most of the population are turning away from computers and are running towards smartphones.

Galaxy S3 from Samsung
Everything that would usually be done on a computer is now being done on a smartphone and things are becoming much easier. Things like music, videos, books and files can be downloaded for free on a smartphone and can all be viewed and played straight from the phone. Mobile technology has just fascinated the world, especially people like me who just can’t wait for the next innovation to be made.

Are You A Good Best Friend?

Do you know what a best friend consists of?

Many people think they know the true answer to that question. Only a true best friend knows that. People think that being a best friend is just hanging with them and being there for them when they need them, when in reality it’s much more than that.

Giniya Fritz,
Advice Columnist
Yes, friends come and go but to keep them around you have to be kind and caring, loyal, generous, funny, honest, trustworthy, smart, friendly, forgiving, and fun. Being able to be trustworthy may sound like an easy task but for most isn’t so easy. If you know you’re not a trustworthy person there are ways to change that.

                       How can you build trust?
  • ·      Do what you say.
  • ·      Never lie
  • ·      Volunteer information
  • ·      Don’t omit important details
  • ·      If you have secrets, let it be known
  • ·      Don’t mask the truth
  • ·      Keep secrets to yourself
  • ·      If you lie, admit to it
  • ·      Speak your feelings
  • ·      Honor your promises

Does everyone deserve a second chance? Second chances may be hard at first but in order to do that you have to establish your criteria. I believe everyone can make a stupid decision and/or choice and then realize just how stupid it was. If the person has enough remorse and shows through action just how much they are willing to work to repair the damage, then yes, they would deserve a second chance. The issue might be that once the trust is broken, even if you work on the second chance, it could prove to be too much for the other person to work through.

Many people think they know what’s the different between a friend and an associate. Friends are people who you can hang out with, have fun, but also count on to be there for you when you need them. Associates are people who you associate with, meaning that you are friendly with them with the intention of either hanging out or helping in a professional way, but when it comes down to it they are not true friends. It is good to have both friends and associates. It is even more important to know which is which.

Editor's note: Do you need advice? Are you trying to solve a problem? ASK GINAYA. She can help. Leave a comment below. If your question is of a confidential nature, you can find her in the hallways, or send her an email.