Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Our hearts are with you

The community of John F. Kennedy High School in Paterson, New Jersey sends thoughts and prayers of condolence, peace and love to the people of Newtown, Connecticut.

In our overwhelming grief, we needed to express ourselves somehow, some way. These are our attempts to express what is in our hearts.

Twenty little children all cute and innocent,
Sent up to Heaven years before they had to,
May they rest in peace
they were so sweet,
They had no fault in this cruel world.
Goodbye little children, go on to heaven
Don't be afraid, you're safe now.
God will protect you; nobody will get you,
Everyone loves you and no one loathes you
Until we meet again we'll miss you
But know that you are free now,
Because the whole world can see that what really happened
Is that twenty little angels were called up to heaven.         Aysha Hood

It's so hard to see little children targeted, and especially at this time of year, a time when we can look at the faces of any child and delight in that look of excitement as though they were our own kid. This is supposed to be a magical time for them.
I don't know why this is affecting me so much. I didn't know any of the victims and I live far away in another state. But I've been crying on and off because of it. Whenever I read soothing about one of the victims I get all choked up. Whenever I smile or something, the shooting pops into my head and I immediately feel sad again. I feel depressed and I didn't even know any of the victims.    Shaheda Ueasim

This is the worst story to ever have to tell anyone. Children murdered at a place you believe your children to be safe: School. On that morning when the parents sent their children off to school, all their intentions were to be able to see their kids at 3:00, time to come home, but instead were told that their kid had been murdered by some sick man. It's horrible. This is the most heart-breaking thing to face. Also for the young children to wait for their parents to pick them up from school and have to face the fact that their mom or dad were murdered. I pray for all of the families and friends to stay strong for their little angels.     Brielle Peters

My prayers go out to everyone who lost a family member in this horrible incident. No parent should ever have to bury a child. I really can't say I know how you feel because I never was in this predicament. But one day you'll meet your child again, greeting them with a email while they're welcoming you home. I'm sorry for you and everyone you lost. I found a poem that I would like to dedicate to everyone who had a child taken away from them. The author is unknown, but the sentiments are those that I feel right now.
Don't grieve for me now I'm free
I'm following the path God laid out for me.
I took his hand when I heard him call, 
I turned my back and  left it all.
I could not stay another day
To laugh, to love, to work or play.
Tasks left undone will stay that way,
I found that peace at close of day.
If my parting has left a void
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
Ah yes, these things I, too, will miss.
But be not burdened with times of sorrow,
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life has been full, I've savored so much.
Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief.
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your hearts and share with me,
God wanted me now, he set me free.

Rhianna McCollum

Nothing is sadder than innocent lives being taken. Pure children who attend elementary school to learn lives are ended. School is what is perceived to be a safety zone for all attending students and staff members, the Constitution even mentions safety. In Connecticut, Friday, December 14, 2012, a random male barged into a local elementary school and fired gunshots at multiple students and teachers. How can you stare at a six year old in the face and shoot them? My prayers go out to all the families that are dealing with this horrendous tragedy.            Deja Wilkerson

Angels golden and bright
Angels that light up the night
Angels who are free
Angels for you and me
Angels who are too young
Angels that make us want change.

They are safe and cannot feel any more pain
They can play all day
They will make sure their loved ones are ok

Angels that do not fight
Angels who risked their lives for others
Angels looking down at us
Angels who don't judge
Angels that loved a bunch
Angels that touched the nation's heart

Through all this tragedy some good came out
They are angels for you and me
Christopher Reyes

I think the tragedy that happened in Connecticut is absolutely horrible.
So many innocent lives were taken, the majority of them children. 
My heart goes out to all the families that lost loved ones and the parents of the children who were murdered in the massacre.
A parent shouldn't have to bury a child, especially under circumstances like this.
Christopher Rodriguez

The shooting incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School was really a heartbreaking incident. It was sadder news because most of the victims were 6-7 year old kids. Whenever I see the photos in the newspaper of the kids who died and their families suffering I start crying. There isn't any word to comfort the victims' families. But I would say keep the kids alive in your heart with your memories. And investigate more to find out why the guy did what he did.   Thahia Monim

My feelings toward the shooting in Connecticut would be very sad and disappointed for the fact that a person in this world would have the heart to go into a school and shoot kids of such a young age. It just isn't right. I don't understand who in their right mind would do such a thing. Hopefully someday this world can become better because I would hate to raise my future children in a world like this.         Fernando Quispe

Dear parents who lost your babies, I send you all my condolences. I can't imagine how you feel right now. Your babies are not here with you, but just hope that hey are i a better and safer place. Pray that you will see them again. It breaks my heart to hear that little kids havbe been killed for no reason. But just take it one day at a time. I don't know how it feels to lose a child, but I do know how it feels to lose a loved one. I know it's not easy.
Love, Crurel Penn

Sometimes you don't know who will be gone.
Sadly, twenty children suffered.
One day you drop your children off at school
without thoughts that you will never see them again.
God bless every child and parent suffering and may they rest in peace.
Tatiana Vanegas

Dear Parents who lost their children in a tragic school shooting, I wish you guys the best and I'm sending our prayers to all of these parents. God is with us during good and bad, so don't put the blame on yourself. Blame the school for not having a more secure school. I know what you are feeling. You're feeling a special person lost, but in your hearts is where they will stay. I would feel a loss inside of me. I put myself in your shoes and it is not easy. It breaks my heart to hear over and over about this, but I'll be praying.
Love, Jerson

I feel so bad for the Connecticut elementary school. They were innocent kids. They didn't deserve what they got. My prayers go out to their families. I know they're in a better place now.
Alyssa Mott

My condolences go out to the twenty little angels' families that died on Friday. When I heard the news on tv, my heart dropped to my stomach.  That could have been one of my family members, and it's sad that they had to die a week before Christmas.
Jhaniya Lovett

My heart goes out to all those little children who died a horrible death. It is tragic to know that so many kids died being innocent young children. It is just horrific. I can only imagine what the families are going through right now.
Anthony Batista

It's sad hearing twenty kids only six and seven years old being killed. They had a future ahead of them. All my condolences go out to their families, and to all the students who had to go through this tragedy. 
Eliana Ramos

Sending out my condolences to the innocent children and adults
who were killed in this Connecticut massacre.   Zenisha Johnson

We lost 27 innocent lives, but Heaven gained 27 angels. Sorry for each and every one of your losses. My condolences go out to the families of all the victims.
Tiffany Mitchell

This is a tragic incident that cost the lives of twenty little angels and six adults who gave their lives to protect the rest. The worst part of all is that Christmas is around the corner. The parents of the victims are having it worst. They have to pass their kid's room and see that the won't be returning home. They left to Heaven too early. My condolences go to the victims' parents and families. No one should experience what they are going through.     Blanca Ortiz

The incident showed how much a teacher cares for students. Students don't tend to appreciate what teachers do for us. Spending their time and efforts helping us be better than we were.   Muhammad Ali

I didn't hear about the real story until I searched it up today. I heard rumors about it on Facebook. Looking at the story online gave me the real drama about it. From my understanding, a 20-year-old man came into an elementary school in Connecticut and killed 26 people, including little kids. Whatever problems he had he could have chosen a different way to deal with them. This should show school that they must be more protective.   Giniya Fritz.

I hope you all will feel better. We in New Jersey heard about the tragedy and want you to know that you have all of our sympathies and prayers.    Jehovanni Lebron

The School of Education and Training was devastated to hear the tragic  news of Sandy Hook.  Our thoughts, prayers and hearts reach out to you at this difficult time.                MaryAnne Perrotta, Principal
School of Education and Training
JFK Educational Complex
“Non Sibi”…”Not for Oneself”

When I heard about the horrible news in Connecticut I was really sad and horrified. As soon as I went home I told my family about it. Then I see my family crying. I was really worried, ad then my sister told me that my uncle died on the same day in a motorcycle. So for me 12/14/12 was one of the worst days of my life. So I hope those 27 and my Uncle Ahmed rest in peace.                 Ismothara Mili

What a tragedy, the heartbreaking shooting where 20 children were shot and killed at the age of 6-7.
Brave teachers tried to put up a fight to defend their students.
I'm sending out my condolences to all the innocent families
who have lost a loved one during this terrible event.
George Pasquella

EDITOR'S NOTE: All members of the JFK community -- students, teachers, administrators, staff, parents -- are more than welcome to add to this simple expression of condolence. If anyone would like to add his or her thoughts and feelings to this message of sorrow and support, either post a comment below, or email your pieces to Mr. Goffman at and I will add them in. Sometimes the catharsis of just putting the feelings in our hearts into words can benefit both the writers and the readers. Peace, love and comfort to all.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Ben Rich, Congressional Chief of Staff

Editor’s Note: Senior Political Correspondent Chris Reyes (left) interviewed the Chief of Staff of Congressman Bill Pascrell, our representative in Congress, in October, shortly before the election. Since then, we re-elected Mr. Pascrell, and sent him and his right hand man, Ben Rich, back to Washington.
Interesting bit of trivia: This up-and-coming political operative is the son of a SET teacher. Guess who?

            I recently got the opportunity to interview Congressman Bill Pascrell’s Chief of Staff, Ben Rich, and I had a lot to ask him. Mr. Rich graduated from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and majored in political science. He grew up in New Jersey where he developed his interest in politics while interning for Congressman Pascrell.
I asked him what advice he would give to someone who wants to go down the same career path. He said, “See what area you would want to work in. Try different internships. Don’t be afraid to try different careers. Always work hard and never say no.”
What is a Chief of Staff, anyway? He said a Chief of Staff is “someone who works closely with the congressman and makes sure everything is set up and reaches high expectations.” His first impression of Bill Pascrell was that he is the type of guy he hopes all congressman could be. He cares about the people of New Jersey and tries his best to help them in every way.
President Barack Obama and Congressional Chief of Staff Ben Rich.
Mr. Rich’s main goal is to get Bill Pascrell reelected because he is doing a brilliant job and should continue. They lost several towns but regained others in the Bergen county area. I asked him his thoughts on The Presidential Election; he believes Obama had several rough years and if he isn’t reelected it would be detrimental. His job is very exciting but can get very tough especially when Congress is in session and a gridlock takes place (when both parties cannot reach an agreement.) I asked him if he could change anything in Congress what would it be? He would change gridlock from happening because the issues cannot be solved.
“Congress is well planned but you cannot account for the congressman’s actions during a session,” said Mr. Rich.                     
Mr. Rich is happy to be a part of Bill Pascrell’s staff and wouldn’t have it any other way. When former president Bill Clinton spoke on behalf of Congressman Pascrell right here in our school, Mr. Rich said it was fantastic for the Pascrell campaign, and for New Jersey. Mr. Rich is thankful for his mother who taught him the importance of public service. She inspired him to fight for what to believe in and for those who need the help that is owed to them.
The next time Congress is in session will be what they call a “lame-duck session” which is what they call the time between the election and when new people start in January. There will be a lot of hopes of actually getting something done. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Does "HAPPILY EVER AFTER" exist in real life?

 I always like to read romance books, because those books end with the commitment of forever, happily ever after, ‘til death do us part. After I finished each book I used to ask myself, “Does happily ever after really exist?” Happily ever after means to find your one and only and live happily with them for the rest of your life. To be constantly happy with no end. LOVE:

Cinderella: “I love you.”
Prince Charming: “I love you too.”
* Wedding bells *
And they live happily ever after.
             Now I got my answer, and the answer is YES, happily ever after does exist. And I believe that with all my heart. But the forever thing isn’t for everyone. Only the blessed people find happily ever after. Some people get old by looking for someone special who they can find happily ever after with. When I was looking for my answer I noticed one thing: For your life to be “happily ever after” with someone, you don’t have to have a love marriage, you can also find the forever thing in an arranged marriage.
            To prove my belief I asked some of my teachers if they believe in “happily ever after.” Here is what they said:

Ms. Rios, Journalism teacher: “Happily ever after does exist, but you have to work hard to maintain your ‘‘happily ever after’’. Make sure being happy is priority, appreciate what you have and show the people you love that you appreciate them.”

Ms. Law, History teacher: “I believe in happily ever after but not how it is portrayed in the movies.  Life is a rollercoaster with lots of ups and downs. I think you can be happy in life but it will never be perfect.”

Personally, I don’t have any experience in relationships yet, so I can’t give you any tips on how to keep the one you love for rest of your life or be the happily ever after person. But one thing I know for sure is that if you want to be happy in your life or be respected by the one you love you should concentrate on your education first, because, as our principal says every day, “Education is the key to life.” I wish you, me, and all of us a happily ever after life. Good luck! 
by Thahia Monim
Romance novel expert

Monday, November 19, 2012


by Tatiana Vanegas, Senior Student Life Correspondent
Have you ever walked in the bathrooms here in JFK and just said to yourself, “These bathrooms are so disgusting”? Every time I walk in the bathrooms of JFK I always change my mind about using them. Honestly, especially to the girls, leaving your tampons and dirty pads is very filthy and not very ladylike.

The other day I walked into the first floor ladies’ room. I wanted to use it so bad, but as I entered one of the stalls there was a dirty pad on the toilet seat. You can catch infections from a dirty toilet seat! According to a male friend of mine, the boys’ bathroom is also nasty. He says that it smells like pee and that there is toilet paper everywhere, and that the walls are covered with graffiti.

Of course, it is the janitors’ job to clean the  bathrooms. But we shouldn’t torture them with sloppy and disgusting habits. To all my peers and to everyone in school, please help keep the school bathrooms clean.

Ladies: please dispose of your sanitary products properly in the garbage can. And boys: Take target practice. If your aim was better, the boys’ rooms wouldn’t smell like pee!

Monday, October 22, 2012


Does working long hours after school have a negative effect on grades? Do the benefits outweigh the harm?

Senior Student Life Correspondent
Chris Rodriguez
Most of my classmates think I am lucky because I get out of school at 1 PM, but what they don’t know is that some days after school I have to go to work. There are many controversial issues dealing with working and being a high school student at the same time. Some people may think that working during school can be very beneficial. They think it teaches maturity, responsibility, & independence. Some parents oppose that idea though.

I work 20-30 hours every week, and more as we get closer to the holiday season. My fellow workers and I look forward with trepidation to the longer hours, and the big rush that starts on “Black Friday.”
The author, a BTMF senior, works 20, 30,
and more hours per week at this
retail giant. Somehow, at the same time,
he manages to maintain excellent grades.

Parents may think it’s too challenging to juggle schooling and working during high school. They feel that if their child starts working during school, they are going to lose their focus on school and continue to worry about money. Worried that their children wont excel in school, some parents don’t allow their teens to work during the school year. “I enjoy working part time after school, it gives me something to do so that I won’t just stay home & watch television all day,” says BTMF Senior Fernando Quispe.

Personally, when I first started working, it was extremely hard and took me a while to adjust to it. I would constantly be very tired, only because I tried everything  I could not to slack in school. I would stay up late most nights to finish homework or class work I needed to complete for the next day of school. This year, I do a co-op program, which gives me credits so that I can leave early from school and go straight to work. I come home early enough every night so I can do homework and rest to be energized the next day. This program is wonderful for working students through your senior year and it also help students without a job get a job and prepare for a future.

Editor's note: Do YOU work after school? Do you work because you have to, or because you want to? Have your grades suffered? Share your working student story on You can leave a comment here, or if you would like to write your own post, email it to