Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Does "HAPPILY EVER AFTER" exist in real life?

 I always like to read romance books, because those books end with the commitment of forever, happily ever after, ‘til death do us part. After I finished each book I used to ask myself, “Does happily ever after really exist?” Happily ever after means to find your one and only and live happily with them for the rest of your life. To be constantly happy with no end. LOVE:

Cinderella: “I love you.”
Prince Charming: “I love you too.”
* Wedding bells *
And they live happily ever after.
             Now I got my answer, and the answer is YES, happily ever after does exist. And I believe that with all my heart. But the forever thing isn’t for everyone. Only the blessed people find happily ever after. Some people get old by looking for someone special who they can find happily ever after with. When I was looking for my answer I noticed one thing: For your life to be “happily ever after” with someone, you don’t have to have a love marriage, you can also find the forever thing in an arranged marriage.
            To prove my belief I asked some of my teachers if they believe in “happily ever after.” Here is what they said:

Ms. Rios, Journalism teacher: “Happily ever after does exist, but you have to work hard to maintain your ‘‘happily ever after’’. Make sure being happy is priority, appreciate what you have and show the people you love that you appreciate them.”

Ms. Law, History teacher: “I believe in happily ever after but not how it is portrayed in the movies.  Life is a rollercoaster with lots of ups and downs. I think you can be happy in life but it will never be perfect.”

Personally, I don’t have any experience in relationships yet, so I can’t give you any tips on how to keep the one you love for rest of your life or be the happily ever after person. But one thing I know for sure is that if you want to be happy in your life or be respected by the one you love you should concentrate on your education first, because, as our principal says every day, “Education is the key to life.” I wish you, me, and all of us a happily ever after life. Good luck! 
by Thahia Monim
Romance novel expert

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