Monday, November 19, 2012


by Tatiana Vanegas, Senior Student Life Correspondent
Have you ever walked in the bathrooms here in JFK and just said to yourself, “These bathrooms are so disgusting”? Every time I walk in the bathrooms of JFK I always change my mind about using them. Honestly, especially to the girls, leaving your tampons and dirty pads is very filthy and not very ladylike.

The other day I walked into the first floor ladies’ room. I wanted to use it so bad, but as I entered one of the stalls there was a dirty pad on the toilet seat. You can catch infections from a dirty toilet seat! According to a male friend of mine, the boys’ bathroom is also nasty. He says that it smells like pee and that there is toilet paper everywhere, and that the walls are covered with graffiti.

Of course, it is the janitors’ job to clean the  bathrooms. But we shouldn’t torture them with sloppy and disgusting habits. To all my peers and to everyone in school, please help keep the school bathrooms clean.

Ladies: please dispose of your sanitary products properly in the garbage can. And boys: Take target practice. If your aim was better, the boys’ rooms wouldn’t smell like pee!

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