Friday, February 8, 2013


by Mili Ismothara,
Education Policy Correspondent

In my opinion, a great teacher is someone who is helpful, fun and caring. A teacher should have all these qualities. A great teacher should always be helpful, no matter how busy they are.

A great teacher sets high standards for all students. This teacher realizes that the expectations she has for her students greatly affect their achievement. A teacher should also be kind to every child, keep students safe, be organized, show interest in students, have a good sense of humor, and give students a second chance. Great teachers should have their own love of learning and inspire students with their passion for education and the subjects they teach.
            Also: a teacher should respect her students. A teacher should always be calm and happy. She should always help solve problems. And she should also make learning fun.

            That’s all! Do you have any great teachers?

Editor's note: Ms. Mili sets a pretty high bar for someone to be called a great teacher. Is it even possible for someone to have ALL  of those qualities? Does this describe your favorite teacher? Your thoughts are welcome below.


  1. I've had very few great teachers and I completely agree that the teacher should have respect for their students and never take their problems out on them.

  2. No, the main thing in Kennedy High School is we should be respectful for the teachers, teachers shouldn't to student. I am a Senior in STEM, past 3 years all I have seen is the proof for why are we going down day by day. It's only because of us. Let teachers do their job. There are NO teachers who want their students do badly or fail on their exams and not have a successful life. As a student all i can say is to stay motivated and pay attention to your class. AND LISTEN WHATEVER YOUR TEACHER IS TEACHING YOU IN CLASS. I agree with you that teachers should keep their students safe. but what if we don't care. we call our teachers by inappropriate names, and that's enough to makes a person mad. At the end all i want to say is, Great Teachers are not required to have anything. It's on us. Because students shows how their teachers are. Thank you.
