Tuesday, February 5, 2013


The 2nd in a continuing series about the animals we love.

Crurel Penn,
Lifestyle Correspondent
Below is SET senior Deja Wilkerson's shih tzu terrier, Ewock. Deja has had Ewock since he was a puppy. He is now fourteen in dog years. Ewock is named because of his fur since it is nice and fluffy like Chewbacca from Star Wars. Deja takes Ewock to the groomer for a nice haircut. 
Deja Wilkerson, Ewock's Owner

Ewock has a couple of unusual traits: For one thing, he likes to run down the stairs but not up. For another, Deja says, "sometimes he  has moments when he just snaps. I say give him back, but everybody else loves him, so I guess he's here to stay."

Be careful! Ewock looks cute, but he thinks he's a tough guy.

Fernando Quispe

Simba, Fernando's shih tzu.

And speaking of shih tzu terriers, Fernando Quispe of BTMF has one too. Fernando has had Simba for two years. He is fluffy and soft. He is also very playful with any one who gives him attention. Maybe Deja and Fernando should set up a play date for their shih tzus?