Thursday, June 20, 2013

And the winner is.........

The winning photographer in the "What is JFK?" photo contest is SET Senior Genesis Encarnacion! Genesis submitted the photo below, taken behind our school.
The judges praised her picture because of its near-perfect exposure and composition, including the reflections of the trees which were just coming into their spring bloom in the stream below. The judges said, "This picture gives a positive feeling of renewal -- despite all of our stress and difficulties, spring always brings new growth and new hope."

Here is what Genesis said about her picture:
"This is a photo of the park behind the school. It represents JFK because the park is a place where students have gym when it is nice and where many students hang out."

For submitting the winning entry, 

Genesis will receive a $50. gift card for


All of the photos that were entered were remarkable in their own ways; it's unfortunate that we can only choose one winner. Thanks to all of the photographers who entered our first photo contest. There will be more opportunities in the fall!

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