Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Latest PHOTO CONTEST entry

ENTRY #7, from Stephanie Cabrera, SET Junior:
 What is JFK? We are not that school anymore.
JFK High School is history.   We are an evolved school.
We are John F. Kennedy Educational Complex.
This is the school that changes as it gets older.

Friday, May 17, 2013


Aysha speaks for everyone in Journalism I when she addresses our fantastic student teacher, Ms. Shelby McGunnigle, on the occasion of the end of her time with us. On Sunday Ms. McGunnigle will graduate from Montclair State University. Wherever she winds up teaching next year, those students will be very lucky to have such a dynamic, intelligent, fun-loving and motivated teacher. 
The space below is for anyone who wants to post a goodbye to Ms. McGunnigle.

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Dear Ms. M,
 I will truly miss you. You were such a great student teacher that there is no doubt in my mind that you will be an amazing teacher. i know that all those times you kept motivating me although i didn't want to hear it was for you to see me better myself so thank you. i am going to miss you greeting with me in the morning and our taste in fashion is sorta similar (Forever 21 !!). i'm going to miss you a TON, so please come back and visit :)  I love you mrs. M <3     

- LOVE, Aysha

Editor's note: Send your messages for Ms. McGunnigle to Mr. Goffman at

Thursday, May 2, 2013

More Photo Entries

New entries pour in every day in our What is JFK? photo contest. Check these out, comment on any of the pictures... and why not take some pics of your own?

Angelica Peralta, SET 12th, Entry #5
This photo also shows the beauty that surrounds our school.

Danielle Lowery, STEM 12th, Entry #6
This photo of track star Robert Laing of SET represents JFK because we have dedicated athletes.